A Guide to Hiring New Construction Plumbing Contractors


Constructing a house is usually one of our most expensive investments. It requires a much more intimate and detailed involvement and every component of the house must be considered.

In this context, it is fitting to mention that a home’s plumbing is one of the key factors in ensuring that the house is built properly and adheres to safety regulations. However, choosing a new construction plumbing contractor is not that easy of a job. There are several aspects to be taken into account before you can settle down on a name.


Below are a few guidelines on choosing a qualified and competent plumbing contractor to ensure you can make a more informed decision.

Reviews and Recommendations

If you are looking for a trustworthy plumbing service, you might ask your friends, family, or acquaintances to help you identify one. They can give you productive information regarding the company you are considering. However, remember that this review might not hold up to professional standards and, in many cases, might even be biased.

For that purpose, you can look up online directories where professional reviewers present their opinions about a particular company. A series of continuing bad reviews for an enterprise should be a warning against their poor work ethics and their lack of professionalism and training. As professionals do these reviews, it is more likely that you will be able to choose a company with greater discretion and knowledge. This will help you to filter through the substandard plumbing services effectively. You might also find additional plumbing contractors you were unaware of on these directories.

License and Insurance

You must ensure that the company you are about to hire has the required license to operate in your state. While some states do not need a permit, many do. You can easily find this at your state licensing board to verify if the enterprise holds a valid license. Alongside this, the presence of a valid license also signifies the presence of state-mandated insurance. When you are screening these companies, make sure to ask for proof of insurance.

Additionally, permits and inspections are required for every phase of the construction. Usually, the general contractor or a subcontractor takes care of this, but in some cases, the hiring party is responsible for it. Remember that these inspections and permits take up a lot of time and money, so you must make it a point to include this in your schedule and budget.

Bonded Plumbing Service

You must hire a bonded company as it is necessary to protect the client against any mishaps done on the side of the hired services. It is a potential financial risk to hire a company that is not bonded, as you will have no security in the event of any harm done owing to the poor quality of work. The bond agent could be a private bond company or a licensing municipality with a pre-existing recovery fund.

Commercial Experience

Eliciting the services of a plumbing contractor with considerable experience in the field will ensure that you are given the best service. When you hire a company that is used to working in commercial situations, there will be zero room for beginner’s mistakes, and they will know how to navigate a problem easily and with expertise. Suppose you are looking for a reputable name in plumbing services. In that case, you can rely on DrainWorks Plumbing Services to deliver the best results by a team of dedicated and seasoned professionals.