The cost of booking a venue is a sizeable chunk of your event budget, and the key to availing a profitable deal lies in how well you can negotiate. However, not all individuals are successful in doing so. They are either reluctant or completely ignorant. They don’t realize that if they try to step out of their comfort zone or put in a little effort, they can get a better value for their money than they can imagine.
A great event venue fits your needs regarding space, food quality, ambiance, decor, and budget. Searching for the perfect banquet hall is a see-saw game between your budget and your requirements.
Keep in mind the following pointers to get the best deals at banquet halls in your city:
#1 – Timely Planning
When organizing an event, there is a list of things that the organizer has to take care of. Some of them have to be handled ahead of time, and for that, you have to spend quality time gathering the basic information to ease up your banquet search process and have upright negotiations.
This includes everything—from the event date and the number of guests expected to the perfect location and catering. Being prepared with information about these aspects helps you contact the right banquet hall owner and gives an impression of genuine interest.
#2 – Early Booking
Experts recommend booking an event venue or banquet hall early. This is because the good venues in your city that have appropriate food and ambiance might get sold out when you want them. You get the desired venue at great prices only when you make early bookings.
Most bookings start approximately 5 to 6 months in advance, and that is an ideal time to approach a banquet hall and ensure its availability even during peak season.
#3 – Avoiding Peak Season
Some banquet halls are more demanding than others because of their location, food, or service quality. Demand is especially high during peak wedding season or on weekends. Due to that, the venues charge immensely and are hardly open to negotiations.
So, try to organize the events during the off-peak seasons and expect tremendous price cuts. Be flexible with your dates so you can get the venue you wish for and enjoy huge discount rates.
#4 – Be ready Multiple Options
It is never wise to rely on a single venue for your event. Contact 2 to 3 different venues at prominent locations and get quotes from them. This way, you will not be stressed if your first option doesn’t work out.
This will also give you the chance to compare the costs and offerings of each banquet hall and finalize the one that meets your needs.