11 Ways to Have a Healthier Pregnancy


Expecting a child is one of the most exciting stages of life that you can be in. However, with that excitement can come nervousness and worry over whether you are experiencing the healthiest pregnancy. Keeping you and your unborn child healthy is a key priority, no matter where you live or your lifestyle. If you want to ensure a healthy pregnancy, here are 11 great tips.

1. See a doctor you trust and who accepts your insurance

The key for any woman expecting a baby is visiting a doctor they trust for frequent check-ups and exams to ensure she and the baby are healthy. If you don’t already have one, look for a friendly and trustworthy doctor you can see during your pregnancy. You’ll also want to compare health insurance funds with iSelect to ensure you have the right health insurance for your lifestyle and future baby. Taking the time to compare health funds means you will find a health center covered under your plan so you can rest easy during your pregnancy.


2. Take a prenatal vitamin every day

Ensure you take a prenatal vitamin each day so that you and your baby will get all the essential nutrients you need to grow together and stay healthy.


moderate exercise each day for their pregnancy. Talk with your doctor about some low-impact options like swimming or walking that may work best for you.


4. Avoid smoking and drinking alcohol

Smoking and drinking alcohol can adversely affect your baby while it is still in the womb. If you’re having trouble giving up either of these substances for the nine-month gestation period, consider looking into some health resources and medications for quitting.


WithTherapy, which matches therapists to patients to ensure efficacy in their mental health care. Ensure your mental health is included and valued in your pregnancy health plan.


6. Avoid certain chemicals and substances

There are certain chemicals and substances, specifically in household cleaning products, that can create issues for women who are pregnant. Make sure you read the ingredient labels on these chemicals and do your research to know what to avoid.


7. Get enough rest each night

Getting enough sleep is key to maintaining your and your Baby’s health. Aim for eight hours, or even more, while you are still pregnant to build up your strength before the baby arrives.


8. Have a birth plan

Take time to write out a birth plan alone or with your partner. State what you would like to happen on the day of. This could be actions like having an at-home birth with a doula, delivering in the hospital, or wanting to take advantage of epidural anesthesia.


9. Take a childbirth class alone or with a partner

You can alleviate anxiety about childbirth by knowing what to expect. Consider taking a birthing class, solo or with a partner, to learn what to expect, the best positions to give birth, and other tips for the big day.


travel by air, check to ensure that the airline you’re traveling with has no restrictions for pregnant mothers. Then, when you’re on the flight, drink enough water and get up to walk around every so often to avoid blood clots.


11. Give in to cravings sometimes

Hey, cravings happen. While you shouldn’t eat ice cream for three meals a day for a whole week, it’s okay to occasionally give in to your weird wants as long as you’re eating an otherwise healthy diet.
